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Corporate accelerator

We find startups and technologies on the market, provide expertise, and structure transactions


Beginning of work

Consultation, strategy discussion

Familiarization with the strategy of the customer company, defining goals, objectives and expectations from cooperation.

Introductory session

In-person fundamental discussion of the requirements and tasks of the accelerator. The result is an approved Charter.

Technological landscape

Analysis of the market situation and technological trends. The results of the study form the basis of the strategy and tactics for searching for technology startups.

Creation of an Internet platform

A specialized platform is being created to successfully aggregate the incoming pipeline of projects and organize the work of experts. It is usually used after completion of the acceleration program.

Search for projects

PR campaign

A professional information campaign in the media and social networks that will accompany the main stages of the corporate accelerator.

Road Show

A specialized tour with a presentation of the accelerator program and face-to-face sessions at which startups speak at specialized universities and technology parks.


High-quality formation of the incoming funnel is the basis of a successful acceleration program. The search consists of an email campaign, work on social networks, searching for technological projects in open databases of funds and development institutions, as well as participation in specialized industry events.




Assessing the incoming funnel for compliance with basic requirements: completeness of the application, correct package of documents, compliance with the selection direction.

Technological expertise

Analysis of the project technology level from an engineering and technical point of view. Conducted by industry experts with extensive research experience.

Business expertise

Evaluation of projects by specialized experts in terms of commercial efficiency. Hypotheses about market volumes, profitability and demand are tested. A separate analysis of investment indicators is carried out.

In-person selection

Projects that have passed the examination stage are invited to the internal selection. Based on its results, a pool of startups is formed that will participate in the program.


Primary agreements

Upon admission to the accelerator, a package of initial agreements is concluded with each project, including an NDA, a work road map, and a temporary ban on negotiations with competitors.

R&D support

To make an informed decision on further cooperation, the project needs to confirm its scientific hypotheses. This process needs to be properly structured and the results correctly recorded.

Analysis of patent purity

Identification of legal risks when entering the market with a new product. The result of this research can significantly affect the evaluation of the project and the overall development strategy.

Due Diligence

Due diligence of the company and founders before structuring the transaction.

The final

Packaging projects

Finalizing hypotheses about the final product, about the consumer, clarifying market data, structuring the production cycle and sales system. Development of an investment strategy and creation on its basis of a professional business plan and financial model.

Transaction structuring

Development and coordination with the customer of investment agreements, M&A, agreements on joint work or joint conduct of further R&D.

By the accelerator Demo Day, projects must have a package of agreements agreed upon by the parties.

Demo day

The ceremonial conclusion of the entire program. Projects tell about the work done, the results and plans for further cooperation. The top officials of the customer company have the final agreements on their desks, ready for the public signing ceremony.

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#business plans #financial models #presentations

#scouting #expertise #structuring

#creation #development #sale


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