Investment packaging
We make professional business plans, financial models and presentations, support transactions
Beginning of work
Consultation, business idea development
Discussion with professionals about the viability of the idea. When the need arises, we assemble a focus group of internal and external experts. Sometimes this helps turn a project into a unique business niche.
Marketing research
When making business plans, we use information from open sources to analyze the market. When this is not enough, we conduct a full-fledged study of the market and its structure, as well as analyze trends.
Technological landscape
An in-depth version of the study, which contains such sections as: technology search and patent search; analysis of the main manufacturers and buyers, as well as analysis of the technologies they use; identification and justification of industry development vectors.

business plan
Business plan of the “Startup” format
We use our own business plan structure for early-stage startups, because adapting large global standards for these purposes is not effective. Our format contains 13 chapters, including financial modeling summaries. It's easy to read, with lots of infographics and structured text.
Business plan “Expert” format
The structure of the business plan complies with international requirements, including UNIDO standards and formats of relevant federal ministries. Typically contains sections such as: previous stages of the project, further development (including R&D vision), market analysis, patent and legal tasks, infrastructure and production tasks, financial plan, risk management and more.
Financial model calculation
This financial model is intended to familiarize yourself with a project based on three main financial reports - PnL (profit and loss statement), CF (cash flow statement), BS (balance sheet). The model also takes into account cash flow discounting.
Full calculation
This financial model is the most complete and professional system for calculating a project to determine its investment attractiveness in accordance with generally accepted world practices, standards of investment funds and international banks. Contains all necessary calculation sheets (DATA, Summary, Macro, Assumptions, Budget, History, Revenue, Salary, Opex, Capex, Finance, Profit, Taxes, WACC, PnL, CF, BS, DCF, Analysis, Value, Sensitivity) and coefficients .
Example of a business plan for a startup

Creating presentations
This document is sent by mail for initial review. This presentation is intended for thoughtful reading on a computer or in printed form; it contains a lot of text, footnotes, and additions.
Such presentations are prepared for presentations at pitch sessions, competitions or in front of an expert jury. The slides in such a presentation contain a minimum of text and more diagrams, infographics, and enlarged blocks.
When the technical novelty of a project is not obvious, we recommend making a separate document for the investor with a deep dive into the technology of the process.
Example of an investment presentation
Transaction support
Preparation of documents
We will help you prepare the entire package of documents for an investment transaction: from the first TermSheet to investment and corporate agreements.
Due Diligence support
If an investor wants to conduct an independent assessment of an investment project, we will help experts draw up an objective picture of your business and provide the necessary explanations.
Participation in negotiations
If necessary, Innoport partners take part in all discussions of a potential transaction, answer questions and help overcome investor doubts.